October 28, 2006


I sympathize, but Fox is still wrong (MICHAEL COREN, 10/28/06, Toronto Sun)

It is impossible not to be moved by television ads showing a shaking, obviously profoundly ill Michael J. Fox asking American voters to elect politicians sympathetic to stem-cell research. The actor has Parkinson's disease and he is convinced that he and others could be helped by such medical efforts.

He might be right.

It is possible that by killing unborn children and using their limbs, flesh, organs and stem cells to conduct research into neurological and other medical problems we could help sufferers and prolong life.

Mind you, there is enormous evidence that embryonic stem cells are not particularly helpful and that adult cells, easily obtainable from living people, give us far more hope for finding cures and gathering information. It is an ongoing debate.

What is not open to dispute, however, is that a child in the womb cannot give his or her permission for what amounts to organ donation -- and that to kill the weak so as to help the powerful has until now been considered one of the most obscene acts known to humanity.

We attempt to cloud our understanding by pretending that a child is not a "real person" before it is born. Thing is, at heart we know we're lying. It's why almost everybody has a visceral reaction to abortion. It revolts us. "I wouldn't have one myself," many say, "but I wouldn't stop someone else from having one."

Look, if an abortion is merely the removal of unwanted tissue, there should be no instinctive revulsion and there is no reason why anybody should not have one. If it is, though, the killing of a child, then nobody should have one. And it is, without doubt, the killing of a child.

And surely one big reason that the Death Lobby has been losing so badly in recent years is because they give off the unmistakable sense that they'd happily eat a baby a day if it might prolong their own miserable lives, just as they eagerly seek to kill the elderly and disabled when they become encumbrances.

Posted by Orrin Judd at October 28, 2006 5:28 PM
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