October 5, 2006


PaperBackSwap.com Explodes from 10,000 to 300,000 Titles in Nine Months (1/24/2006, PRNewswire

Conceived by a consummate reader in an effort to utilize discarded books, PaperBackSwap.com has developed a web site where members from all over the United States can trade books for free. [...]

The club operates on a simple premise. When another member requests one of your books, you mail it to them. You pay the postage, but then another member returns the favor when you request a book and they mail it to you. The books are always free because all club members are willing to trade their books with other members.

"The goal of PaperBackSwap.com is to become the largest virtual library of paperback books in the world," says Swarthout.

It generally costs about $1.59 to send a book and you can set up a Wish List of as many as 200 books you want. It's a sweet deal.

You can also try Book Mooch.

Posted by Orrin Judd at October 5, 2006 8:43 AM
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