September 19, 2006


Cipel airs his unhappiness over Oprah's chat with McG (Rush & Molloy, September 19, 2006, NY Daily News)

Golan Cipel has it in for Oprah for giving Jim McGreevey the chance to publicize his book. Jersey's former head of homeland security claims the ex-governor assaulted him.
Oprah Winfrey is wrong to promote former New Jersey governor Jim McGreevey's book on her show today, says his former homeland security adviser Golan Cipel.

McGreevey claims in his book, "The Confession," that Cipel was his lover, but the 37-year-old says he is the victim of McGreevey's sexual assaults and that Winfrey should empathize with that.

"I'm very sorry Oprah gave McGreevey a chance to speak," Cipel told us from Israel. "I wasn't his lover. The only things that happened were sexual harassments. And unwanted sexual advances and assaults."

Posted by Orrin Judd at September 19, 2006 9:01 AM
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