August 18, 2006


Bush Vows to Fight Wiretapping Ruling (ADAM LIPTAK and ERIC LICHTBLAU, 8/18/06, NY Times)

President Bush said today that he is confident that a federal court ruling against his administration’s electronic surveillance program will be overturned, and he described those who hailed the ruling as naïve.

“I would say that those who herald this decision simply do not understand the nature of the world in which we live,” Mr. Bush said in a question-answer session at Camp David, Md. “I strongly disagree with that decision, strongly disagree. That’s why I instructed the Justice Department to appeal immediately. And I believe our appeals will be upheld.”

“We believe, strongly believe, it’s constitutional,” the president added. “And if Al Qaeda is calling into the United States, we want to know why they’re calling.”

He could hardly ask more than a ruling that demonstrates he was right about not leaving national security up to the courts.

Posted by Orrin Judd at August 18, 2006 10:03 PM
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