April 6, 2006


PM pummels Grits defending Throne Speech
(SCOTT DEVEAU, 4/06/06, Globe and Mail)

Prime Minister Stephen Harper accused the Liberal government of 13 years of waste and mismanagement while defending his government's agenda Wednesday in the first day of debate on Tuesday's Throne Speech. [...]

“On January 23rd, Canadians voted for change. They overwhelmingly rejected 13 years of scandal and inaction they made it clear that business as usual is not good enough,” Mr. Harper said. “To hear (Bill Graham) speak, you would think that January the 23rd had never occurred.

“We have a plan, we have priorities, and Canadians are with us. During the recent election we laid out our priorities and a plan for change. Canadians made it clear they support change, and they want us to act.”

He reiterated his party's plans for providing more open and accountable government, cutting the GST by one percentage point, cracking down on crime, giving parents a child care allowance of $1,200 for each child, and ensuring medically acceptable wait times.

“That's what we promised. That's what we intend to do,” he said.

Posted by Orrin Judd at April 6, 2006 8:47 AM
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