December 22, 2005


Hong Kong votes down political overhaul (Keith Bradsher, DECEMBER 22, 2005, The New York Times)

Democracy advocates on Wednesday defeated a government-backed legislative proposal to revamp the political system here, dealing a sharp setback to the chief executive and Chinese leaders in Beijing, as well as to the prospects for any substantial political changes soon.

Donald Tsang, the Beijing-backed chief executive, had lobbied lawmakers extensively for the past two months and, in a departure from past practice for leaders here, had even walked city streets to buttonhole passers-by and ask them to support the plan. The two-part proposal called for doubling the number of people allowed to vote for chief executive here, to 1,600, and for expanding the 60-member Legislative Council to 70 members.

But democracy advocates were united in opposing the plan because it did not include a timetable for one-person, one-vote general elections.

Posted by Orrin Judd at December 22, 2005 10:04 AM
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