December 22, 2005


Britain's new political setup (DAVID HOWELL, 12/23/05, Japan Times)

Just as commentators have been writing about a fundamentally new political "setup" in Japan, following Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's overwhelming election victory, so also the same language is being used about British politics. [...]

[I]n establishing, and giving credibility to a new political setup, Cameron, who is 39, and his chief lieutenant, George Osborne, who is only 34, have to confront exactly the same two facts of 21st century life as those facing Japan.

These are, first, that the needs of a modern society can no longer be met by an all-powerful state that owns and provides everything centrally for its citizens' welfare, and second, that people must feel they live in a nation with a purpose and international status that deserves their loyalty and distinguishes it from the globalized culture that threatens to drain countries of their personality and diversity.

The better comparison is probably to George W. Bush or Kim Beazley.

Posted by Orrin Judd at December 22, 2005 9:16 PM
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