December 21, 2005


Cameron meeting puts Labour in a spin (HAMISH MACDONELL, 12/21/05, The Scotsman)

JACK McConnell triggered a damaging rift with his colleagues in London yesterday when he held a ground-breaking meeting with David Cameron to discuss how his Labour-led Executive would work with a Tory government at Westminster.

Labour MPs reacted with surprise and dismay to the meeting. One Labour MP said he had hoped the First Minister "would have been a bit more sensible", criticising him for giving credibility to the idea of a Tory victory at the next general election.

Mr Cameron was making his first visit to Scotland since becoming the Tory leader.

He made a point of coming to the Scottish Parliament - which Tony Blair has failed to visit - and had a short private meeting with Mr McConnell.

Obviously early, but Mr. Cameron is carrying himself awfully well.

Posted by Orrin Judd at December 21, 2005 9:31 AM
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