December 12, 2005


Syria blamed as another critic is murdered in car bombing (Nicholas Blanford, 12/13/05, Times of London)

GEBRAN TUENI, Lebanon’s leading journalist and a prominent politician, was killed by a huge car bomb explosion yesterday, the latest victim of a campaign against anti-Syrian figures.

Mr Tueni’s death, in a suburb of East Beirut, came less than 24 hours after his return from France, where he had based himself for several months because of death threats.

Lebanese politicians blamed Syria. [...]

Mr Tueni, who was 48 and married with four daughters, was publisher of the An-Nahar newspaper in Lebanon and a leading figure in the independence uprising triggered by Mr Hariri’s death, which culminated in a Syrian troop withdrawal from Lebanon in April.

Report Says Syria Interfered in Hariri Probe (Colum Lynch, 12/13/05, Washington Post)

Syria has interfered with a U.N. probe into the assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafiq Hariri by burning intelligence archives and intimidating a key witness who had tied senior Syrian officials to the killing, according to testimony made public Monday by U.N. investigators.

The investigators released their second report Monday. It said new interviews have provided further "probable cause" to conclude that senior Syrian and Lebanese officials plotted and carried out the Valentine's Day assassination of Hariri and 22 others in a car bombing in Beirut. The 25-page report, which followed an initial report in October, cited new testimony linking an unnamed "high-level" Syrian official to a campaign to "create public disorder" in Lebanon by providing arms and ammunition to provocateurs in the days after Hariri's death.

German prosecutor Detlev Mehlis, who headed the inquiry, said the probe should continue, and the report's findings set the stage for a renewed U.S. push for sanctions against Damascus.

Posted by Orrin Judd at December 12, 2005 10:50 PM
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