April 25, 2005
PICK THE 60%, NOT THE 40%:
'NYT' Preview: New Public Broadcasting Chief Wants Conservative Viewers (E&P Staff, April 22, 2005)
In this Sunday's New York Times Magazine, Ken Ferree, the new president of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, says he wants PBS, long considered a liberal bastion, to attract more conservative viewers. "Does public television belong to the Democrats?" he asks. [...]Asked if he is worried that liberal PBS loyalists may exit, he says: "Well, maybe we can attract some new viewers." More conservative ones? Deborah Solomon asks. "Yeah! I would hope that in the long run we can attract new viewers, and we shouldn't limit ourselves to a particular demographic."
Here are a couple handy rules to keep in kind:
(1) If you're a business and you are going to limit yourself to one demographic make it the larger one, not the smaller one.
(2) If you're there to serve the public, limit yourself to the one that includes most of the public, not the elites.
Posted by Orrin Judd at April 25, 2005 7:52 AM