March 3, 2005


Controversial Dates Of Biblical Edom Reassessed In Results From New Archeological Research (University Of California San Diego, 2005-03-03)

New archeological research from modern-day Jordan indicates the existence of the biblical nation of Edom at least as early as the 10th Century B.C., the era of kings David and Solomon, and adds to the controversy over the historical accuracy of the Old Testament. The full results of the 2002 excavation, by a team of international scholars, at the site of Khirat en-Nahas (or "ruins of copper," in Arabic), are reported in the current issue of the British journal Antiquity.

The new study, under the direction of University of California, San Diego, Professor of Archeology Thomas Levy, contradicts much contemporary scholarship which had argued that, because there had been no physical evidence, no Edomite state had existed before the 8th Century B.C. Until the current discovery many scholars had said the Bible's numerous references to ancient Israel's interactions with Edom could not be valid.

The Edomite lowlands, home to a large copper ore zone, have been ignored by archaeologists because of the logistical difficulties of working in this hyper-arid region.

After all, who wants to be inconvenienced and find something you wish wasn't there?

Posted by Orrin Judd at March 3, 2005 4:18 PM
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