March 20, 2005


Archbishop enters abortion debate (The Telegraph, March 20th, 2005)

The Archbishop of Canterbury has stepped into the debate over abortion saying that there is a "groundswell of distaste" about the current law. Dr Rowan Williams said there was "more and more of a shared unhappiness and bewilderment around our law and its effects".

He also suggested that the General Election campaign could provide an opportunity for voters to question individual parliamentary candidates over their views.

The archbishop did not say that he was opposed outright to abortion, but that for a large majority of Christians - including himself - it was impossible to regard abortion as "anything other than a deliberate termination of a human life".

Writing in The Sunday Times, he said: "In the country at large, not least among young people, there is a groundswell of distaste about it (the law).

The Archbishop continues to confuse his role of spiritual leader with that of public opinion pollster. Fortunately some of his flock are made of sterner stuff.

Posted by Peter Burnet at March 20, 2005 6:50 PM
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