February 10, 2004


White House to Release Bush's Military Pay Records (Terence Hunt, 2/10/04, The Associated Press)

The White House, facing election-year questions about President Bush's military service, is releasing pay records and other information intended to support his assertion that he fulfilled his duty as a member of the Air National Guard during the Vietnam war.

The material, to be released Tuesday, was to include annual retirement point summaries and pay records to show that Bush served.

The point summaries were released during the 2000 presidential campaign. "They show that the president fulfilled his duties, and that is why he was honorably discharged," White House press secretary Scott McClellan said Monday.

The big question raised by all this is why anyone respects fighter pilots if you can learn to fly while sitting in a crackhouse in Alabama, or whatever it is John Kerry thinks Mr. Bush was doing.

Posted by Orrin Judd at February 10, 2004 9:43 AM
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