September 2, 2003


Israeli Says Arafat Likely to Be Expelled (AP, 9/2/03)
Yasser Arafat should "disappear" from the Palestinian leadership, and Israel may have to decide by year's end whether to expel him if he continues to get in the way of a U.S.-backed peace plan, Israel's defense minister said Tuesday.

Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz issued the warning as Arafat and his prime minister, Mahmoud Abbas, remained locked in a bitter power struggle. Abbas, backed by the United States and Israel, is increasingly unpopular at home and could be ousted -- possibly in a parliament vote next week.
The idea that Arafat cares at all about the lot of the Palestinian people or would take any action whatsoever for peace must be a tenet of some strange religion, because there is no factual support for it whatsoever. Posted by David Cohen at September 2, 2003 1:55 PM
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