September 1, 2003


Republicans truly excited for the first time in (Los Angeles Daily News, August 31, 2003)
To the rest of the world, our recall election might be a circus -- and they just may be right, according to Republican Party officials.

People have fun at a circus -- and California Republicans haven't had this much fun in years. Voters are actually paying attention to the GOP with actor Arnold Schwarzenegger and state Sen. Tom McClintock of Thousand Oaks drawing a combined total of support of nearly 50 percent of voters.

The state GOP has suddenly been flooded with interest from the news media, and even from its own members, as it plans its Sept. 12-14 convention in Los Angeles. "We are going crazy," said Mike Wintemute, communications director for the party. "Compared to prior years, we are getting requests for information not only from the traditional political press, but from the national and international media as well."

It is a situation the state party hasn't seen since the heyday of former President Reagan -- and it's a problem they clearly enjoy.

If you're a Democrat, how excited can you be about an election that asks you to try and save Gray Davis or replace him with Cruz Bustamante? Posted by Orrin Judd at September 1, 2003 2:14 PM
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