September 1, 2003


School honour codes effective, U.S. research says (Heather Sokoloff, August 30, 2003, National Post)
Students at elite U.S. universities that follow an honour code cheat significantly less than their counterparts at other institutions, says Don McCabe, a U.S. academic researcher.

At schools with honour codes, such as Stanford and Princeton, students make an official pledge not to cheat and, in return, are not policed by the university.

Dr. McCabe, a business professor at Rutgers University who has researched cheating for more than a decade, found, for the most part, students stick to their pledge.

"You find virtually no cheating at schools with very, very traditional honour codes," he said.

This is similar to the difference between morality, which is internalized, and law, which is external. Of course, the secularist project seeks to destroy the basis of morality, Judeo-Christianity, and build up the State, which then spews forth laws, regulations, etc. to control the behavior of people. Posted by Orrin Judd at September 1, 2003 6:00 PM
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