September 2, 2003


Ashcroft Won't Run Again (Dotty Lynch, Douglas Kiker, Steve Chaggaris and Clothilde Ewing, 9/02/03, CBS News )
Attorney General John Ashcroft tells USA Today that he won't run again for elected office, but that he'd like continue serving in the Bush administration should the president win a second term.

Ashcroft, who has been elected as Missouri auditor, state attorney general, governor and U.S. senator, said: "I can't really imagine running another political campaign. I don't have that in mind. I'm getting older."

Mr. Ashcroft would be an ideal Chief Justice, bringing to the job impeccable conservative credentials and the political background that this Court so sorely lacks. Posted by Orrin Judd at September 2, 2003 2:21 PM
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