September 9, 2002
The private faith of a public man: How religion shapes this presidency (Francine Kiefer, September 06, 2002, The Christian Science Monitor)Almost two years into his term, Bush's religious beliefs are emerging as a central influence in his policy and politics - inextricably linked to everything from the war on terrorism to the November elections.While presidents throughout history have leaned on and invoked God, Bush has been far more public than most with his personal beliefs and values. Some of this clearly reflects the times: Moments of crisis - in this case, a horrific attack and the residue of fear in its aftermath - often bring outovert expressions of faith, as the nation looks to a president for comfort as well as leadership.
But for Bush, who reads his Bible every morning, faith extends beyond the national catharsis of the moment. By his own admission, his religious views shape much of who he is and, by extension, experts say, some of his most important decisionmaking.
"One of the animating principles of this administration is the restoration of the role of faith in the public square," says Marshall Wittman, the former legislative director for the Christian Coalition. [...]
He is "perhaps the first modern president who actually sees policy applications" for his faith, says Mr. Wittman.
This buys him a lot of wiggle room to his Right, but he's going to have to appoint pro-lifers to the Supreme Court, assuming he gets the chance, or else he'll dissipate all that good will. No more Souters. Posted by Orrin Judd at September 9, 2002 3:25 PM