September 18, 2002
Black-Jew Rift Widens After Southern Primaries (Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, September 18, 2002, FOX News)Participants in this month's Congressional Black Caucus conference say the defeat of two black House members in bitter primaries not only suggests a widening rift with Jewish Democrats, but trouble within the Democratic Party itself."People were talking retaliation," said Ron Walters, the director of the African American Leadership Institute at the University of Maryland, of last week's CBC events in Washington. "They were saying [presidential hopeful] Sen. Joe Lieberman is dead in the water, and so on and so forth."
Joe Lieberman will make a fine Republican too. He'll finally be able to reconcile his politics with his religiosity. Posted by Orrin Judd at September 18, 2002 8:02 PM