September 22, 2002


German rivals neck and neck (BBC, 22 September, 2002)
Exit polls from the German general election suggest the tightest race in the country's post-war history, with both conservatives and social democrats claiming victory. [...]

According to ZDF television exit polls, the SPD and the Greens, have 46.6% of the vote, compared to 46.3% for the traditional pairing of the CDU/CSU and the liberal FDP.

It calculates that the SPD and the Greens will have 299 seats compared to 297 for the conservatives and liberals.

However, ARD television cited early results giving the conservative-liberal alliance 302 seats, compared to 296 for the SPD and the Greens.

Apparently David Duke got 2% of the vote in Bavaria... Posted by Orrin Judd at September 22, 2002 1:56 PM
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