September 15, 2002
Iraq Calls for the Formation of Suicide Squads to Strike American Targets and Interests (MEMRI Special Alert, September 09, 2002)An editorial in the Iraqi weekly Al-Iqtisadi [The Economist], which is owned by Saddam Hussein's eldest son Uday, called for the formation of suicide [fidaiyoon] squads to launch broad-based sabotage operations against the United States, its friends, and interests.
Yeah, but there's nothing "new" here. Everyone's known for quite some time that Saddam funds the families of suicide bombers and we know he tried to kill the senior President Bush; this just kind of combines the two. If these facts weren't sufficient to send us to war a month ago, why are they now. I demand that the Administration produce new evidence, something never before seen by any human eye on the planet, to show that Saddam will have the capacity to destroy the planet by Wednesday and that he's actually given the orders to do so. Anything less would reveal George W. Bush (well, really Dick Cheney, his puppetmaster) to be nothing more than a warmongering adventurer who refuses to pay the UN proper obeisance and opposes the International Criminal Court because he knows he should be on trial there. Posted by Orrin Judd at September 15, 2002 11:40 PM