September 5, 2002
What's so funny about conservatism? (Charles Murtaugh, September 04, 2002)It strikes me that at least one category of humor is hard to reconcile with conservatism: scatological humor. Get thee to "Savage Love", for instance, and scroll down to the letter from "Hot for Butt Lovin'". Or one of my absolutely favorite Onion articles, "Porn Director Fights Ratings Board for Single X Rating"
The usually savvy Mr. Murtaugh pretty much proves our point by first citing a joke steeped in homophobia (note the entirely accurate assumption that the reader will find the very concept of anal sex to be repellant?) and then one that if you told it in the coatroom of the Senate would see Senators Clinton, Mikulski, and Boxer chasing you across Capitol Hill, like a Sapphic dwarf lynch mob, screeching at you about your need to be sensitized and re-educated if you find anything humorous about the objectification of women.
Posted by Orrin Judd at September 5, 2002 9:15 AM