September 17, 2002
The New Jerusalem (Rich Galen, September 11, 2002, Mullings)In a small churchyard in Alexandria, Virginia there is a humble monument to an Unknown Soldier of the Revolution. These are the words on his tomb:"Here lies a soldier of the Revolution whose identity is known but to God.
His was an idealism that recognized a supreme being.
That planted religious liberty on our shores;
That overthrew despotism;
That established a people's government;
That wrote a Constitution setting metes and bounds of delegated authority;
That fixed a standard of value upon men above gold; and,
Lifted high the torch of civil liberty along the pathway of mankind.
In ourselves his soul exists as part of ours:
His memory's mansion."
Boy, are the kids gonna hate me and the wife when they're old enough to travel and we drag them to all these places... Posted by Orrin Judd at September 17, 2002 9:35 AM