September 26, 2002

HUH? :

Daschle Was More Right Than He Knew About Bush: Demagogy about government reorganization is worse than demagogy about war. (Timothy Noah, September 26, 2002, Slate)
As it happens, Chatterbox thinks Bush is more right than the Democratic Senate about the bureaucratic constraints that continued civil-service protections are likely to impose. Bush is even right to argue that the Senate is allowing itself to be influenced on this matter by special interests--in this case, powerful government unions. But for Bush to say that this disagreement about a fairly abstruse personnel question shows that the Democrats don't care about U.S. security really is, to use Daschle's word, "outrageous." If Bush can't maintain a sense of proportion about the little stuff, what hope is there that he can maintain a sense of proportion about the big stuff?

Hold on! Bush is right that Democrats are trying to constrain what will be the main agency charged with protecting domestic security. He's right that they are doing so because they do union bidding. But he's wrong that they care more about the special interests than about U.S. security? And, he's lost his sense of proportion because he pointed out that Democrats are damaging our security? This is just incoherent.
Posted by Orrin Judd at September 26, 2002 7:00 PM
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