September 7, 2002


Illogical conclusions (John McCaslin, September 6, 2002, Washington Times)
Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz asked Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld for a few pointers before going before reporters yesterday at the Brookings Institution.

"You handle the press pretty well," Mr. Wolfowitz told his boss. "Is there anything I should keep in mind over at Brookings? There might be a few media types around, you know."

"Here's how you deal with the media," replied Mr. Rumsfeld. "Begin with an illogical premise and proceed perfectly logically to an illogical conclusion. After all, they do it all the time. But if you do it first, they'll be eviscerated."

The open contempt of the Bushies for such rituals as daily press briefings is enormously refreshing. Posted by Orrin Judd at September 7, 2002 3:07 PM
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