September 21, 2002


High anxiety for Democrats (GLORIA BORGER, 9/30/02, US News)
Democrats are deeply divided over whether to attack Iraq, with 52 percent favoring military action, according to a new Pew survey. No wonder party leaders are sweating: They have to find a way to support a war if they hope to win any of the closely contested races in the midterm elections–and do it without alienating their base. "A prolonged debate that ended with Democrats voting against the use of force would not bode well in swing races," says GOP pollster Bill McInturff. Translation: Democrats would lose.

If the only topic is the war and Democrats fold and vote in favor, they lose their own hardcores, often the determining factor in mid-terms. If they vote against the war they run the risk of firing up the GOP base. Nice strategy guys. Posted by Orrin Judd at September 21, 2002 6:56 PM
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