September 20, 2002


Democrats Preparing to Block Reorganization if Carnahan Falls (Mark Preston, 09/19/2002, Roll Call)
Senate Democrats are prepared to bring legislative activity to a screeching halt in a lame-duck session if Sen. Jean Carnahan (D-Mo.) is defeated in November, an outcome that would temporarily give Republicans control of the chamber before the 108th Congress is sworn in. Democrats have already mapped out a strategy to defend against a quick takeover by the GOP during a lame duck if former Rep. Jim Talent (R-Mo.) defeats Carnahan in the midterm elections, several sources said. [...]

According to most readings of Missouri law, should Talent defeat Carnahan, he would be eligible to be sworn in to replace her immediately because she was temporarily appointed to the seat until an individual was elected to fill it. The most recent independent poll, taken in early September, showed the race in a dead heat.

Republicans said they would move for Talent's immediate swearing-in if he wins and the Senate is still in session mopping up the unfinished business of the 107th Congress. His victory would give Republicans 50 votes and the majority, while Democrats could have no more than 49 votes. [...]

But Republicans would not have full operating control of the chamber under such a scenario. Democrats plan to prevent the GOP from passing a new organizing resolution to give Republicans control of the committees if they seize power in a lame duck.

"You wouldn't do an organizing resolution for a month," said Senate Majority Leader Thomas Daschle (D-S.D.). "We didn't do that in January [2001] when I was the Majority Leader for 14 days, so you wouldn't do it for a few days either. But she is not going to lose, so that is not a question we are concerned about."

While Lott would be recognized as the Majority Leader on the floor, his committee chairmen would consist of liberal Democrats such as Sens. Edward Kennedy (Mass.), Patrick Leahy (Vt.) and Jay Rockefeller (W.Va.), who would still retain their one-seat majorities on the panels.

Folks sometimes wonder if it isn't over the top to refer to the Democrats as the "Evil Party", but, luckily, they regularly offer reminders like this one of how they earned the sobriquet. While John Ashcroft and the Republicans did the honorable thing and allowed Ms Carnahan to be seated, despite the dubious legality of the election and the appointment, Democrats seem hellbent on having her departure be classless, as well as illegal. As a Republican one is tormented by conflicting emotions of pride that our party tends to behave decently and anger that we continually behave like such rubes. It's not for nothing that we're known as the "Stupid Party". Posted by Orrin Judd at September 20, 2002 12:16 AM
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