September 16, 2002
INSIDE THE NEW CAMP X-RAY (RICHARD WALLACE, Daily Mirror)THIS is the first glimpse of Camp Delta, the new Camp X-Ray at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.Here 598 al-Qaeda and Taliban suspects from 38 countries - including seven Britons - are held without charge, without legal rights and for some, without hope.
For 167 of the 168 hours in a week their world is a cramped 8ft x 6ft 8in cell.
Their day-to-day existence in a remote corner of the US Naval Base on the south-east of the island is pitiful.
The strain of living in such conditions - condemned by human rights groups again last week - has taken a severe toll. The Daily Mirror has learned that more than 30 of the men have attempted suicide.
They never seem to have any trouble killing themselves if there's a Bar Mitzvah nearby. Posted by Orrin Judd at September 16, 2002 6:38 PM