September 7, 2002
'Send in troops with inspectors' (Anton La Guardia, 07/09/2002, Daily Telegraph)Tony Blair will urge President George W Bush today to deploy tens of thousands of troops on Iraq's borders, ready to help United Nations inspectors to force their way into suspected weapons sites. [...]A senior British official said: "Saddam is history. The question is only when he checks out."
He predicted: "Russia and China will not stand in the way; they are not going to hang for the sake of Saddam. France will join in if it has an appropriate UN resolution.
"We fought the Kosovo war without UN approval. People seem to forget that these days."
Since the delicate sensibilities of world opinion seem to require an artificial legal pretext for war, this seems like the best way to manufacture one. We'd merely renew our call for those, like Britain's bishops, who oppose the war to be included in the inspection teams.
Posted by Orrin Judd at September 7, 2002 7:23 AM