September 10, 2002

ABS (Anyone but Saddam):

Bush: Post-Saddam Iraq not US job (William M. Reilly, 9/9/2002, UPI)
President Bush Monday told world leaders it will be the responsibility of the whole international community, rather than the United States, to determine what kind of regime should replace Iraqi President Saddam Hussein if his government is toppled by U.S. military action, European diplomats told United Press International.

During a call to the current head of the European Union, Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Bush made it clear he felt "not his responsibility to define" who or what would replace the Iraqi president, according to one diplomat.

Bush "expressed the view that any alternative is preferable" to Saddam, added the diplomat.

First of all, this is the proper attitude. But second of all, it disposes of the quagmire arguiment and denies the Democrats a political coup that they were apparently counting on. Someone on NPR this weekend made the point that the Democrats want to debate Iraq if for no other reason than so that George W. Bush has to eat his words about the folly of nation-building. Sorry fellas... Posted by Orrin Judd at September 10, 2002 12:27 AM
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