August 16, 2002
Today's word of the day from Wordsmith is interesting :
valorize (VAL-uh-ryz) verb tr.
To maintain the price of a commodity at a high level through government action.
[From Portuguese valorizar, from valor (value, price), from Medieval Latin, from Latin valere (to be strong).]
Valorizing is, in fact, price-fixing by government. A few other words that derive from the same root (wal-) are valence, valiant, valid, value, avail, and convalesce.
"This leads to a tendency for realized earnings to fall below the level that would validate or re-valorize the capitalized values of corporate equities and debt service costs."Posted by Orrin Judd at August 16, 2002 8:44 AM
James Ronald Stanfield and Michael Carroll, The Monopoly Capital School And Original Institutionalist Economics, Journal of Economic Issues (Reno, Nevada), Jun 1997.