August 27, 2002
Check out the differing opinions John Hockenberry got from a Saudi official and from a family member in this piece : A Saudi apology for Sept. 11 (John Hockenberry, 8/25/02, MSNBC)Prince Khalid Al-Faisal is governor of Asir Province. A third of the Saudi hijackers grew up here.John Hockenberry: “Is there some aspect of Saudi life that would encourage well-to-do, educated, young men, to do these kinds of things? Bin Laden is one.”
Prince Khaled Al-Faisal: "The only problem is the Palestinian problems."
As opposed to this :
John Hockenberry: "Do you believe they are dead, in your heart?"Salah Al-Shahiri [brother of 9-11 hijackers Walid and Wail Al-Shahiri]: "For me? Yes."
John Hockenberry: "You do? You carry that around in your heart, right? That's a terrible burden?"
Salah Al-Shahiri: "As for myself, yes."
Salah's truth bears no resemblance to the official line from the Saudi royals--that the hijackers were religious zealots seeking revenge for the Palestinians.
John Hockenberry: "Were your two brothers religious?"
Salah Al-Shahiri: "No. Not in the way one might imagine."
John Hockenberry: "But your brothers didn't march in the streets and work day and night to free the Palestinians? Did they?"
Salah Al-Shahiri: "No."
John Hockenberry: "No. Did they talk about getting U.S. military troops out of the kingdom?"
Salah Al-Shahiri: "No."
John Hockenberry: "No. So it looks like your two brothers were brainwashed."
Salah Al-Shahiri: "Yes."
You know, if the Sauds were consciously trying to turn us into enemies they couldn't do a better job.
Posted by Orrin Judd at August 27, 2002 12:01 PM