August 17, 2002


Sen. Clinton preparing for potential presidential race (Associated Press, August 16, 2002)
Hillary Rodham Clinton has begun building a national political organization, softening her liberal image and taking a lead role in Democratic criticism of President Bush - steps toward a potential campaign to become the first woman president.

Former President Clinton speaks about his wife's run for the presidency as a matter of ``when,'' not ``if,'' say people who have discussed it with him. Several of her associates said she is eyeing 2008 as the year to run.

She's running in '04. She has to have been impressed by the warm reception she got from the Democratic Leadership Council's recent presidential candidate beauty contest, where she was by all accounts the star. The surest sign that it's gone to her head is her recent statement :
I thought, as I obviously believed, that you know, the Clinton-Rubin economic policies that worked so well during the '90s really do work well in global economy.

There was a famous incident in the Soviet Union in 1954, after Lavrenti Beria was executed, where the editors of the Great Soviet Encyclopaedia sent out an expanded article on the Bering Strait and told people to cut out certain pages from the "B" volume and replace them with the new insert. The point of course was not that there was anything new to say about that august body of water, but rather that the government wanted Beria's laudatory biography removed from the record. In much the same way Hillary Clinton now seeks to airbrush her husband's vice-president, and her increasingly likely opponent in the '04 primaries, from our history. Posted by Orrin Judd at August 17, 2002 9:29 AM
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