August 13, 2002
License plate brouhaha is about ideology, not free speech (John Leo, August 13, 2002, Jewish World Review)Florida has sold more than 40,000 license plates carrying the tag line "Choose Life." Five other states have decided to offer them, too. Others were planning to, until they got bogged down in lawsuits brought by the major pro-abortion groups, chiefly the National Organization for Women, Planned Parenthood and the ACLU.These groups argue that states offering these plates are violating the First Amendment by engaging in viewpoint discrimination -- allowing an anti-abortion message but not a countermessage from the abortion rights side. They also argue that the plates are a church-state violation, because the words "choose life" are found in English translations of the Bible.
Just give them their own "Choose Death" plate and be done with it. Posted by Orrin Judd at August 13, 2002 10:05 AM