August 25, 2002


Is He Up to It? (Jim Hoagland, August 25, 2002, Washington Post)
Those who predict that Bush 43 will not come up with an effective diplomatic strategy to support a new gulf war may be dealing in a self-fulfilling prophecy. If Bush cannot show that he has convinced Colin Powell of the wisdom of his Iraq strategy, how can he convince the nation and the world? That is the question that needs to be asked openly and debated clearly, not in sub-rosa fashion.

This sentiment seems ridiculous. Is Colin Powell really the measure of geopolitical wisdom in the modern world? More generally, does any president really have to convince a subordinate that something is proper? It might be helpful here to recall that when Harry Truman wanted to recognize the new state of Israel he was vigorously opposed by Secretary of State George Marshall, who even Powell's fans would have to admit was a man of far greater accomplishment. General Marshall even threatened to resign. But Truman did what he thought was right and history has vindicated his judgment. If General Powell feels similarly strongly about the need to preserve Saddam Hussein, let him resign when the decision is made to go to war. There's no dishonor in acting on your beliefs. Posted by Orrin Judd at August 25, 2002 5:20 PM
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