August 24, 2002


Embryo fight 'may undermine law' (BBC, 24 August, 2002)
The body which regulates fertility treatment in the UK has criticised an attempt by two women to prevent former partners from ordering the destruction of their frozen embryos.

Natallie Evans and Lorraine Hadley are challenging a law which says both parties must consent to the storage and use of embryos created by IVF.

Their lawyer says destroying the embryos will rob them of the chance to have children.

But Ann Ferudi, from the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, said the current rules state both parties must give their consent before the treatment can go ahead.

She said: "If this challenge were to be successful it would undermine many of the principles around which the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act was based.

"People have to give their express consent to treatment and the challenge could affect the way the act is interpreted."

Both Ms Evans and Ms Hadley say embryology law means both parties must consent to the embryos storage and use, and say their case could have broad implications for other couples on IVF treatment.

Principles? If a law forbids you to carry an embryo to term that was created for that purpose maybe the law's the problem, not the women challenging it. Posted by Orrin Judd at August 24, 2002 10:02 AM
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