August 14, 2002


Susan Sarandon blasts George W. (Jeannette Walls, August 14, 2002, MSNBC)
Susan Sarandon has added her voice to the growing chorus of celebs who are criticizing George Bush post-9/11. The "Stepmom" star is in Edinburgh, Scotland, where she's performing in a theater production inspired by the terrorist attacks, and she's had some frank words about the political climate in America. [...]

"We're not supposed to talk about how there might have been something leading up to this, that it could have been prevented, or that our actions have ramifications," Sarandon said. "We're living in a lock-down in terms of information and a certain point of view, and if you challenge that point of view, you're anti-American."

While the sentiments aren't likely to endear Sarandon to the White House, they were applauded overseas, where the increasing likelihood of a U.S. attack on Iraq has been received coolly, to put it mildly.

One has to admire the courage of Ms Sarandon, who might well be our generation's Ezra Pound. Posted by Orrin Judd at August 14, 2002 6:43 PM
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