August 30, 2002


BE A DATA POINT! (Patrick Ruffini, 08.29.02)
Since I'm going away for Labor Day and I'm unlikely to post anything from the road, I thought I'd put this out there when it might get a few extra eyeballs. It's a poll — my first effort to get a clear picture of political attitudes in the Blogosphere, among readers and authors alike. Crunching crosstabs is like crack to me, and I want some good, solid data. How many ultra-liberal women are defense hawks? I'll tell you, but first I need a meaningful sample to know. Please take this, no matter how meaningless or unthinking you think your answers might be. Thanks!

We'd appreciate it if folks could take a minute, it truly takes no longer, and complete Mr. Ruffini's survey. The numbers should be revealing and Mr. Ruffini is just the man to do something useful with them. Here's a prediction: 80%+ will be white, male, libertarian, pro-war, but at least a third of those will pick Gore in '04 to reveal their contempt for Mr. Bush's positions on steel and cloning. Posted by Orrin Judd at August 30, 2002 6:52 AM
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