August 3, 2002


Berkeley event to try for mass breast-feeding record (MICHELLE LOCKE, August 3, 2002, Associated Press)
Breast-feeding advocate Ellen Sirbu wants to create a lactation sensation.

Sirbu and other city officials have invited hundreds of mothers and their babies to Berkeley on Saturday to try for a world record in simultaneous suckling.

"It's just going to be fabulous," said Sirbu, director of the city's supplemental nutrition program for women and infants and children. "The whole idea was to promote breast-feeding. It would be nice if we win."

The number to beat is 767, set Thursday by a group of women in Australia, where mass nurse-ins have been held annually since 1999.

If you''ve had a kid recently you'll be familiar with the fact that childbirth has been taken over by cultists. We're all for breast-feeding and good nutrition and the whole nine yards, but there's no other experience in American life that so nearly replicates being sent to a Chinese Communist re-education camp as going to birthing classes.
Posted by Orrin Judd at August 3, 2002 12:51 PM
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