July 3, 2002
Aloft on Bozoloft (MAUREEN DOWD, July 3, 2002, NY Times)As psychopharmacology becomes more and more highly targeted, we will be able to tweak molecules to soothe any specific unpleasantness in life. We can't be far away from such customized antidepressants as : [...]Ashcroxx: Combats irritability and sleep disruptions brought on by unfathomable color-coded charts, politically timed terror warnings and dismantling of civil liberties. Side effects: compulsive love of Second Amendment, compulsive aversion to First Amendment, inexplicable affection for capital punishment.
Ms Dowd explains much, though unintentionally, with this column that reveals her obsession with antidepressant drugs. WARNING : side effects of the ones that she must be taking since Bill Clinton left office include loss of humor, perspective, and relevance and may be accompanied by verbal incontinence and a strange tendency to write like Mary McGrory. Posted by Orrin Judd at July 3, 2002 3:04 PM