July 16, 2002


Irish Republican Army apologizes for deaths it caused in last 30 years (Associated Press, 07/16/02)
The Irish Republican Army issued an unprecedented apology Tuesday for the deaths of "noncombatants" over 30 years of violence in Northern Ireland.

The IRA made the apology in a statement marking the anniversary of Bloody Friday, when it set off more than 20 bombs within an hour in Belfast on July 21, 1972, killing seven civilians and two soldiers.

Although the outlawed organization has stated its regret in the past for individual acts, it has not previously issued so sweeping an apology. The statement said the step aimed to improve the atmosphere in the territory's peace process.

Pointing to Bloody Friday, the statement said that "while it was not our intention to injure or kill noncombatants, the reality is that on this and on a number of other occasions, that was the consequence of our actions."

"It is, therefore, appropriate on the anniversary of this tragic event, that we address all of the deaths and injuries of noncombatants caused by us," the statement said.

"We offer our sincere apologies and condolences to their families."

The wife and I watched a PBS program on the Northern Ireland peace talks this weekend. My reaction every time Gerry Adams came on screen was the same as when I see Yassar Arafat--visceral hatred.
Posted by Orrin Judd at July 16, 2002 7:34 PM
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