June 18, 2002
FIRES AND ECO-NUTS (CD Bloomer, Enter Stage Right : Musings)Maybe I missed it. Where are the greenies? Where are the Gaia worshippers? Where are all the tree-hugging wackos? Where are all the eco-nazis? There are huge fires burning out west and the Earth-firsters have been pretty quiet.All these kooks race to stand in line and shout louder than each other whenever a human being even thinks of intruding on the "pristine" wilderness areas that are now ablaze. They believe we should return these areas to their "natural" state -- let Nature take its course.
But now that Nature has chosen to burn these forests, I don't hear any complaints that human beings, as in real men and women, are interfering. No idiotic protests. No vapid news releases. Nothing.
This is a great point and raises another question : why aren't these people out there helping to fight the fires. They'll sit in a redwood for two years to keep a chainsaw from touching it, but they can't work a firehose? Posted by Orrin Judd at June 18, 2002 7:45 PM