June 6, 2002


Democrats' Old Habits Resurfacing in Plans to Win Congress (Ronald Brownstein, June 3, 2002, LA Times)
Something old. Something old.
Something old. Something old.

And, incidentally, something new.

That is what congressional Democrats have produced in the five-point plan they are taking to voters for this year's midterm election. In case you missed it, Democrats last month produced a five-point message card meant to show the priorities they would pursue if given majorities in the House and Senate this fall.

It's a document Walter F. Mondale would have felt comfortable distributing. [...]

Four of them are long-standing party priorities: protecting Social Security and opposing Republican efforts to partially privatize it; creating a prescription drug benefit for seniors under Medicare; increasing spending on education; toughening enforcement of clean air and clean water laws. The something (relatively) new is a pledge to "provide real pension protection" in the wake of the Enron Corp. collapse.

Leave it to the Democrats--they come up with their own Contract with America and it was apparently written in 1930. Posted by Orrin Judd at June 6, 2002 9:24 PM
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