June 28, 2002
'Let down' by Arafat (BBC, 28 June, 2002)Yasser Arafat is a "let down" in the Middle East, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw has said.In an attack on the leader of the Palestinian Authority he said: "The difficulty is, and I say this frankly, with President Arafat, is that it's not just the Israelis and Americans who feel let down by him, but so does virtually every foreign minister that I personally have ever spoken to."
First Berlusconi, now Straw, and half the other governments in Europe are run by parties that were elected on explicitly anti-Arab platforms--so where is the press getting these stories about how Europe is uniformly dismayed by President Bush's speech calling for the ouster of Arafat? Posted by Orrin Judd at June 28, 2002 7:18 PM