June 24, 2002


A new birth of freedom (Jerusalem Post, Jun. 25, 2002)
The Oslo "peace process" was born on the White House lawn on September 13, 1993. It died yesterday in the White House Rose Garden. [...]

For years, the US acted as if the real obstacle to peace was Israel's reluctance to give up land. The great breakthrough in this speech was the unmistakable shift in the US interpretation of the "root causes" of the conflict. The concept of land for peace has been relegated to where it should have been all along: a reflection or ratification of peace, rather than its source or cause.

In all history, no two mature democracies have ever warred with each other, an axiom that applies to the Middle East no less than to Europe or the Americas. Now the President has noted this fact, and embraced its wisdom.

For this alone, he stands at the cusp of greatness.

One wonders what the writers think Nazi Germany and France were in 1940. Posted by Orrin Judd at June 24, 2002 10:48 PM
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