June 28, 2002


Bush is Irrelevant and Must Go (Ira Chernus, June 26, 2002, CommonDreams.org)
In a major policy shift, I have decided that George W. Bush is irrelevant and must be replaced as leader of the United States. Every week, an American somewhere murders, rapes, or brutalizes a foreigner. I hold the president personally responsible for every such attack.

With American citizens continuing to kill and attack people in other nations, Bush is clearly irrelevant to the world?s search for peace. I am ceasing all contacts with him, immediately. And I am calling upon the people of the United States to elect new and more effective leadership, right away. [...]

All joking aside, no leader can control the actions of all people in his nation. It is always counterproductive to treat a nation's leader as irrelevant. And no nation has the right to tell another nation whom it can or cannot choose as its leader.

Here's the clincher to our argument that the Left is humorless. And not only is it an excrutiatingly labored attempt to be funny, it's serious point is moronic. Would Mr. Chernus contend that the U.S. had no right to tell the Germans that they couldn't have Hitler as their leader? Posted by Orrin Judd at June 28, 2002 10:41 PM
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