June 27, 2002
Pennies for the Pentagon: Michael Nouri Antes Up (Lloyd Grove, 6/27/02, Washington Post)Actor Michael Nouri--who recently starred in a six-month, 26-city road production of "South Pacific"--yesterday presented Undersecretary of Defense Dov Zakheim with a check for $181,041.01, representing the dollars, dimes and pennies collected from audiences at each performance for various Sept. 11 victim relief funds."He was very emotional," Zakheim told us after the Pentagon ceremony. "This was something he obviously had put his heart and soul into."
Nouri told us: "Absolutely, I was emotional. The terrorist attacks happened when we were in rehearsal for 'South Pacific' in New York. We were on 18th Street and I saw the second plane strike the tower."
To me the most interesting story is that Michael Nouri presented the money to Dov Zakheim--you can pretty much bet that at some point Republicans tried keeping both their families out of this country. Posted by Orrin Judd at June 27, 2002 2:08 PM