June 8, 2002
Fears over US-S Korea match (BBC, 8 June, 2002)Around 5,000 police will be present at the game South Korean President Kim Dae-jung has been advised not to attend his country's World Cup football match against the United States for security reasons.Authorities are worried that anti-US protests may erupt at the game, especially if the South Korean side loses.
So all week we've been hearing about how stupid Americans are for not appreciating this beautiful event, where all the World's cares are forgotten and rivalries are played out on the greensward. Here it turns out that if we beat S. Korea they'll lynch their president? Why couldn't we have had that policy in effect here for baseball when the Americans lost to the Toronto Blue Jays? Posted by Orrin Judd at June 8, 2002 9:43 AM