June 12, 2002


Hastings will listen to Burton on garage/Trustees may well reverse approval (Phillip Matier, Andrew Ross, SF Chronicle)
After five days of "positive" ads, Gov. Gray Davis unleashed the first in what will likely be a series of attack ads on Republican opponent Bill Simon--and with good reason.

There's a new poll floating around Sacramento that shows the embattled Davis trailing Simon by a whopping eight points.

The poll--which was of likely voters and paid for by the Democratic-friendly Service Employees International Union--found newcomer Simon at 42 percent to Davis' 34 percent.

Green Party candidate Peter Camejo came in with 5 percent.

It's catastrophic for an incumbent to be that far below 50% in a re-election bid--but I still don't see, in a state that's as Democrat heavy as CA, how Simon gets to 50%. The GOP should probably start buying ad time for the Green guy--get him to 10% on election day and Simon could win. Posted by Orrin Judd at June 12, 2002 7:52 PM
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