June 14, 2002
US artists damn 'war without limit' (Duncan Campbell, June 14, 2002, The Guardian)A group of leading American writers, actors and academics have signed a statement strongly criticising their government's policies since September 11. It is an indication of a growing feeling that the administration is promoting its own agenda on the back of the attacks.In a statement called Not In Our Name, the signatories say the government has "declared a war without limit and instituted stark new measures of repression". They also criticise the media for failing to challenge the direction the government has taken.
They include the musicians Laurie Anderson and Mos Def, the actors Ossie Davis and Ed Asner, the writers Alice Walker, Russell Banks, Barbara Kingsolver and Grace Paley, and the playwrights Eve Ensler and Tony Kushner.
Martin Luther King III, Gloria Steinem, Noam Chomsky, Edward Said and Rabbi Michael Lerner have added their names, making this the widest ranging group of opponents of government policy since September 11.
The word "leading" should sue for defamation of character. This is like an E List of washed up and never was celebrities. There are people here that Ed Wood might have turned down as passe. But why aren't Pete Seeger and Peter, Paul, and Mary on the list? Are they F list now? Posted by Orrin Judd at June 14, 2002 7:55 AM